Champlain Area Trails (CATS) creates and maintains hiking and cross-country ski trails in New York's Champlain Valley that link communities, connect people with nature, and promote economic vitality. In its short history, CATS' has developed over 78 miles of trails for YOU to enjoy!
You can help create and maintain trails by participating in our trail projects. Join our email list to stay updated on how to help by clicking here.
***While many bridges have been fixed or put back in their rightful places after all the heavy flooding in early July, there are still some tricky river crossings due to washed-out bridges:
CATS is exploring ways to address these crossings where new bridges or culverts will have to be built. In the meantime, when the water is low, it is possible to hop across rocks or find an easier place to cross up or downstream at all these crossings.***
Wildway Passage Trail: With the temporary closure of Angier Hill Road, it will not be possible to park at the trailhead. You will need to park at the top of the road, and walk a quarter mile to the trailhead.
Lee Park Trail: The trail is currently closed from the main trailhead at Lee Park due to damaged bridges. The Trail is still accessible from Front Street.
Eagle Mountain Preserve - Benny's Trail: Flooding has returned to the beaver dam area 1/2 from the trailhead. The water is currently ankle-deep.
Viall's Crossing Trail: The trail between the Westport Storage and UHaul Rental and the John Brown Trail junction is closed for the foreseeable future. Please contact our office with any questions.
Central Champlain Valley Trail Map Northern Champlain Valley Trail Map
Click on a letter to view Trails that begin with that letter.