Champlain Area Trails is a non-profit organization and an accredited land trust, established in 2009.
CATS, established in 2009, tackles the scarcity of public lands and hiking opportunities in the Champlain Valley, ensuring that all Adirondack communities have equitable access to trails and nature.
To date, we've created over 100 miles of trails, conserved 983 acres directly and another 2,000 through partnerships, and hosted countless volunteer events, hikes, and outdoor education outings that have drawn thousands of visitors to the region.
Among our ongoing initiatives is a 30-mile trail loop connecting Westport and Essex. CATS is dedicated to developing a network of trails that allows people to “Hike the Lake,” facilitating a seamless experience of walking from hamlet to hamlet. Our long-term vision includes extending this trail system to neighboring towns around Lake Champlain and linking them with trails across the Adirondack Mountains, Vermont, and Quebec. The enjoyment of CATS’ trails is reliant on preserving the Valley’s stunning vistas, natural landscapes, farms, businesses, and communities. Recognizing this, the CATS Board launched The Champlain Valley Conservation Partnership Project (CVCP), which focuses on protecting farms, forests, and clean water while promoting local agriculture, sustainable forestry, and historical preservation.
By concentrating on town-to-town trail connectivity, CATS enhances access to nature and encourages outdoor recreation, which, in turn, supports economic vitality. The Champlain Valley boasts a picturesque landscape filled with farms, forests, gentle mountains, quaint hamlets, and breathtaking views. Unfortunately, limited public land and few hiking trails have constrained the region's economic potential and enjoyment of outdoor activities. CATS is addressing these challenges by creating interconnected trails, conserving land, promoting tourism, supporting local farms and businesses, preserving historic hamlets, and developing outdoor education and recreation-based tourism initiatives.
Our Founding Board Members Include: Bruce Klink (in memoriam), Chris Maron, David Reuther, George Davis, Jamie Phillips, John Davis, Katharine Preston, Sheri Amsel, and Steven Kellogg.
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